Mass Fund Stipends: If you are requesting a Mass for a loved one, please remember to make all checks payable to the La Salle Mass Fund and mail all payments to the Pastorate office at 835 Church St., PO Box 398, Holy Cross, IA 52053.
Electronic Funds Transfer: All La Salle Pastorate Churches offer Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) monthly directly from your bank account to your church. If you might be interested, contact Connie at 563-870-4041.
Deepest Sympathies and Prayers to the family and friends of Rita J. Theisen
Coming Up:
(For more information, expand the Information drop-down and click Bulletin Board)
February 9: Confirmation Session #5. 8:30 - 11:30 am. Balltown.
February 9: Women's Bible Study. Biblical Walk of the Blessed Mother Mary. 7:00 pm at the Rickardsville Rectory.
February 19: He-Brews 3:4. "Why Does the Priest Dress in Layers? Is It Just For Show?"
February 27: Morning Mass at Holy Cross Canceled.
February 27: La Salle Catholic School Spring Social.
March 5: Ash Wednesday. Masses: 6:30 am @ Rickardsville / 8:30 am @ Holy Cross / 6:00 pm @ Sherrill.
March 30: St. Francis of Assisi Prime Rib Dinner.
April 8: Confirmation Practice. 7:30 pm. Sherrill.
April 9: Confirmation. 7:30 pm. Sherrill.
April 17: Holy Thursday. 7:00 pm. Sherrill
April 18: Good Friday. 3:00 pm. Sherrill
April 19. Easter Vigil. 8:00 pm. Sherrill.
April 20: Easter Masses: 8:30 am @ Rickardsville & Holy Cross / 10:30 am @ Balltown & Luxemburg.